Law & Disorder

Anniversary of Malcolm X’s Assassination: Ballot or the Bullet – Fund Drive Special

Today is the 58th anniversary of the assassination of Malcolm X at New York City’s Audubon Ballroom in 1965. We spend the day remembering Malcom’s contributions for our struggle against white supremacy by listening to selections from his famed speech that came to be known as “the Ballot or the Bullet”. He gave that speech on April 12th, 1964 in Detroit during President Lyndon Johnson’s re-election campaign. The speech was recorded by Pacifica Radio and restored by the Pacifica Radio Archives for us to be able to bring to the airwaves now. In the speech, Malcolm X outlined a new, global sensibility in the fight for racial justice: “We intend to expand [the freedom struggle] from the level of civil rights to the level of human rights.”

FUND DRIVE SPECIAL – Pledge $100 and receive a historic audio collection of 6 public speeches and conversations by Malcolm X, specially curated by KPFA for you.

Or, pledge $100 and receive a copy of Malcolm X’s autobiography, as told to famed writer Alex Haley.


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