APEX Express

APEX Express – 6.23.22 – QT Viet Cafe Collective Celebrates 6th Year Anniversary

The QT Viet Cafe Collective celebrates their 6th year anniversary through this community reflection with artists and healers: HẢI VÕ (host), TRANG SÁNG TẠO(host), JEAN PHẠM, PHIBI TRẦN, TOTAL (TỐ TỒ) NGUYỄN, and AI LE. In this episode, the QT Viet Cafe Collective reminisces on their first days in the collective, their journey through their artwork and healing last year, and what’s to come in the upcoming cycle. QT Viet Cafe is a proud part of Asian Refugees United (ARU) and ARU is one of eleven AACRE organizations.

QT Viet Cafe Collective: Circle of Artists and Healers

  • The Circle’s purpose is to gather interested and committed QTViệt artists and healers to make space to deeply nurture and support our individual and each other’s art forms and practice and share our creative expressions with the greater community.  We welcome and encourage Circle members to consider their art form(s) as it relates to being Queer/Trans and Vietnamese in the dispora and/or homeland.  We hope to emulate the beauty of circles – we find them in shapes like the sun, the moon, planets in the cosmos, tree trunks, cell structures, nhãn (longan and many other fruits), and in cycles like the lunar calendar and the concept of plants sprouting, repopulating, and composting
AACRE Thursdays

Learn more about their work: 

  • https://www.qtvietcafe.com/circle
  • https://www.facebook.com/QTVietCafe/
  • https://www.instagram.com/qtvietcafe/
  • https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNlW904fkq899D-bnAuLQIQ

