On today’s show:
0:08 – Mitch Jeserich (@MitchJeserich) joins us to discuss the latest news on the budget reconciliation bill and the big pharma dollars funding certain conservative democrats.
0:34 – Dr. John Swartzberg, clinical professor emeritus of infectious diseases at UC Berkeley’s School of Public Health joins us to discuss the latest COVID science and take listener questions.
1:08 – Alex Vitale (@avitale) joins us to discuss the East Oakland FBI shooting, the prevalence of federal law enforcement, the abuses of power exercised by these agencies, the “taskforces” they are brought into local municipalities to aid, and the barriers to accountability that this activity presents.
Michael “Jonathan” Cortez’s was killed by an FBI agent in Oakland last week, and the family is currently seeking donations to help fund his burial costs.
1:34 – California State Assembly Member David Chiu (@DavidChiu) representing the eastern half of San Francisco joins us to discuss the end of the eviction moratorium and how people can seek rental assistance.
photo: Oliver Plattner via Unsplash