0:08 – The Senate just passed a $2 trillion relief package for COVID-19, what’s in it and what are the priorities economically, and politically.
Dean Baker (@DeanBaker13) is a senior economist at the Center for Economic and Policy Research
John Nichols (@NicholsUprising) is National Affairs Correspondent for The Nation.
0:34 – COVID-19 and your mental health
Kelechi Ubozoh is a Nigerian-American writer and mental health advocate and consultant.
L.D. Green is an artivist: a genderqueer writer, performer, college educator, and mental health advocate. Together they are editors of a new book, We’ve Been Too Patient: Voices of Radical Mental Health – Stories and Research Challenging the Biomedical Model.
24/7 Peer Run Warmline – 855-845-7415
Immediate, free non emergency emotional support is available by telephone or messaging at 855-845-7415. It’s run by the Mental Health Association of San Francisco https://www.mentalhealthsf.org. Spanish Available Tuesday-Saturday, 7am-11pm.
1:08 – Workers rights clinic: what unemployment benefits are available
Carole Vigne is a staff attorney and the director of our Wage Protection Program, with Legal Aid at Work, a San Francisco-based nonprofit legal services organization dedicated to assisting low-income, working families.
1:34 – San Francisco homeless shelter conditions are hazardous to mitigating the spread of coronavirus, but alternative options – like hotels – are not being organized quickly.
Jennifer Friedenbach is the Executive Director of the San Francisco Coalition on Homelessness.
1:47 – Mutual aid spotlight: DSA-SF Tent Distribution Project
Christopher is with DSA San Francisco Homeless Working Group (@DSA_SF)
For more information or to donate to this project: https://dsasf.org/tent-replacement-fundraiser/
1:52 – KPFA News: In Los Angeles, the pandemic accelerated a movement by unhoused and housing-insecure people to take over vacant homes. KPFA’s Danielle Kaye (@danielledkaye) reports.