
“We’ve got to start testing widely” Laurie Garrett on the high risk profile and public health response for the coronavirus; Plus: We host a debate on Oakland’s Measure Q parcel tax

0:08 – Monday’s with Mitch: The Trump Administration announced its reached a peace deal with the Taliban and an agreement to pull troops out of Afghanistan; 2020 Democratic field is shrinking: Mayor Pete and Tom Steyer drop out; plus more on Super Tuesday.

0:34 – Primary Election 2020 Debate: Oakland’s Measure Q, a parcel tax of $148 per parcel to raise approximately $21 million per year for parks maintenance and homeless services, and provides a low-income senior exemption.

The ballot question is as follows:

“Shall a measure to provide: homelessness support services and programs to help homeless individuals move into shelters and housing; trash removal from parks and creeks; safe, well-maintained parks and trails; clean, accessible park restrooms; improved water quality; and park facilities repairs, by enacting an annual $148 parcel tax for single-family parcels, and other parcels as specified, for 20 years, raising approximately $21,000,000 annually with exemptions for low-income seniors, be adopted?

  • For: Brooke Levin, Yes on Q campaign
  • Against: Marcus Crawley, No on Q campaign

0:51 – KPFA News: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has a primary election in her San Francisco congressional district on Super Tuesday, and several challengers are vying to become the runner-up she’ll face in November. KPFA’s Ariel Boone has the story.

1:08 – COVID-19 and a proper public health response

Laurie Garrett (@Laurie_Garrett) is a former senior fellow for global health at the Council on Foreign Relations and a Pulitzer Prize-winning science writer. She is the author of several books, including Ebola: Story of an Outbreak, The Coming Plague: Newly Emerging Diseases in a World Out of Balance and Betrayal of Trust: The Collapse of Global Public Health.

1:34 – KPFA News: Fresno County prosecutor Andrew Janz gained national attention in 2018 when came close to defeating incumbent Republican Devin Nunes in California’s heavily Republican 22nd Congressional District.  Now, he’s campaigning to become the first Democrat in decades to become the mayor of Fresno.  Janz is in a tight race with former Fresno police chief Jerry Dyer. Fresno, with its population of over half a million residents, it is the fifth largest city in California.  Vic Bedoian reports from Fresno.

1:30 – Election 2020: South Carolina primary results

Kevin Alexander Gray (@KevinAGray) is a longtime South Carolina political organizer and analyst who has worked on many political campaigns. His books include Waiting for Lightning to Strike: The Fundamentals of Black Politics. He is co-editor of the book Killing Trayvons: An Anthology of American Violence.

1:47 – How the Democratic campaign organizing is looking on the ground

Akela Lacy (@akela_lacy) is a political reporter with the Intercept, covering the Democratic Presidential race.

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