Talk It Out Radio, Sun, 5/19, 7pm: ARISE AND AWAKEN

Thích Nhất Hạnh is a Vietnamese Buddhist monk and peace activist, who was the founder of engaged Buddhism. Host, Marlena Willis, talks with guests, Antoinette Gonzalez and Victoria Mausisa, co founders of ARISE (Awakening through Race, Intersectionality and Equity), which is a community of mindfulness practitioners and monastics in the Plum Village tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh who come together to heal the wounds of racial injustice and social inequity.

Antoinette González is, in addition to being one of the co-founding members of ARISE,  a nature lover, racial and social equity advocate, immigration attorney and is exploring ways to bring mindfulness and racial equity practices to her peers, legal advocates.



Victoria Mausisa, also a co founding member of ARISE, is an ordained member of Tiep Hien, the Order of Interbeing, and is trained in trauma resiliency and Buddhist chaplaincy.  She has a passion for cultivating inclusiveness and healing communities of color.