0:08 – Government Shutdown, week 3: What powers does the President have by declaring a state of emergency?
Elizabeth Goitein (@LizaGoitein) is a co-director of the Liberty and National Security Program at the Brennan Center for Justice, is the author of The New Era of Secret Law. Her new article in The Atlantic: “What the President Could Do if He Declares a State of Emergency”
0:34 – New Board of Supervisors sworn in in San Francisco face many challenges. We speak with two: Supervisor Shamann Walton (@shamannwalton) represents District 10 in San Francisco, formerly represented by Malia Cohen, and Supervisor Rafael Mandelman (@RafaelMandelman)represents District 8 in San Francisco, formerly represented by Jeff Sheehy. Supervisors Matt Haney, Catherine Stefani and Gordon Mar did not respond to interview requests before airtime.
0:56 – Theater Review: KPFA’s Richard Wolinsky reviews Mary Poppins now running at San Francisco Playhouse through Saturday Jan 12.
1:08 – The Oakland Police Commission is locked in a power struggle with the department, can it recover? Darwin Bond Graham (@DarwinBondGraha) is a reporter with the East Bay Express, author of today’s cover story The Oakland Police Commission’s Lost Year.
1:34 – Author Interview: Lane Green (@lanegreene) is a writer and language columnist for the Economist. His latest book is Talk on the Wild Side: Why language Can’t Be Tamed.