0:08 – Monday’s with Mitch: headline news and analysis including
0:34 – Gavin Newsom to be sworn in as California’s Governor / Nancy Pelosi as House Speaker
Tim Redmond (@timredmondsf) joins us, he’s been a political and investigative reporter in San Francisco for more than 20 years. He is the founder and editor of 48hills.org (@48hills).
1:08 – New Oakland City Councilmembers inaugurated today. We’re joined in studio by:
- Nikki Fortunato Bas (@nikki4oakland)is the incoming Oakland City Councilmember representing District 2, filling the office formerly occupied by Abel Guillen.
- Sheng Thao (@ShengForOakland) is the incoming Oakland City Councilmember representing District 4, filling the office formerly served by Annie Campbell Washington.
- Loren Taylor (@lorenmtaylor) is the incoming Oakland City Councilmember representing District 6, filling the office formerly served by Desley Brooks.
1:34 – We take listener calls for the new Oakland City Councilmembers including schools, policing, violence against black youth, job creation, housing, the arts, and community development.