0:08 – The science of wildfire in the age of climate change
Alexandra Syphard (@DrMalaMujer) is Chief Scientist at Sage Underwriters (wildfire insurers) and affiliate of Conservation Biology Institute and San Diego State University. Her research focuses on investigating landscape change that results from the interplay between human and natural disturbances, especially wildfire, urban development, and climate change.
0:20 – We get an update from the front lines with Scott McLean, an Information Officer with CalFire (@CALFIRE_PIO).
0:34 – The State of the Republican Party
Tom Campbell is Professor of Law and Economics at Chapman University, in Orange, California. He’s a former Republican California State Senator, and served 5 terms in the US House of Representatives. He’s now advocating for a new, centrist political party in California.
0:45 – The New Orange County
Gustavo Arellano, former Editor and Publisher of OC Weekly, currently California Columnist for the LA Times; his books include Orange County: A Personal History; and Taco USA.
1:15 – Fires, air quality and your health
Dr. John Balmes is a Professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco (@ucsf) and a Professor of Environmental Health Sciences at the University of California, Berkeley School of Public Health. He is also the appointed Physician Member on the CA Air Resources Board.
1:20 – A brief update on the Marriott hotel workers strike with Rachel Gumpert (@rlgumpert) press secretary with UNITE HERE Local 2 (@UniteHereLocal2).
1:34 – Dr John Balmes answers listeners’ calls and questions on the air quality.