0:08 – Where’s the midterm money going?
Sarah Bryner (@AKSarahB) is Research Director with the Center for Responsive Politics (@OpenSecretsDC), a nonpartisan independent research group tracking money in US politics and its effect on elections and public policy.
0:34 – Dem candidates challenge Republican incumbents
TJ Cox (@TJCoxCongress) is an engineer and a small businessman, and a candidate for the House of Representatives for District 21 centered in the San Joaquin Valley and includes areas of Fresno County, Kern County, Kings County, and Tulare County.
Josh Harder (@joshua_harder) teaches political science at Modesto Junior College and formerly worked in venture capital and international development. He’s a candidate for the US House of Representatives for District 10, including San Joaquin and Stanislaus counties.
1:08 Pew – Partisan divide on issues
Alec Tyson (@alec_h_tyson) is a senior researcher at Pew Research Center (@pewresearch). He joins us to discuss their new national survey into the partisan divide between how voters rank the “biggest problems” in this midterm election.
1:20 – Rising number of anti-Muslim candidates
Scott Simpson is the Public Advocacy Director with Muslim Advocates, a national civil rights organization working “to guarantee freedom and justice for Americans of all faiths.”
1:34 – News Deserts
Penny Muse Abernathy (@businessofnews) is the Knight Chair in Journalism and Digital Media Economics at the UNC School of Media and Journalism. She joins us to discuss her recently released report The Expanding News Desert.