
Behind the money: US midterm elections tops $5 billion; Plus: The expanding US news desert

0:08 – Where’s the midterm money going?

Sarah Bryner (@AKSarahBis Research Director with the Center for Responsive Politics (@OpenSecretsDC), a nonpartisan independent research group tracking money in US politics and its effect on elections and public policy.  

0:34 – Dem candidates challenge Republican incumbents

TJ Cox (@TJCoxCongress) is an engineer and a small businessman, and a candidate for the House of Representatives for District 21 centered in the San Joaquin Valley and includes areas of Fresno County, Kern County, Kings County, and Tulare County.

Josh Harder (@joshua_harderteaches political science at Modesto Junior College and formerly worked in venture capital and international development. He’s a candidate for the US House of Representatives for District 10, including San Joaquin and Stanislaus counties.

1:08 Pew – Partisan divide on issues

Alec Tyson (@alec_h_tysonis a senior researcher at Pew Research Center (. He joins us to discuss their new national survey into the partisan divide between how voters rank the “biggest problems” in this midterm election.

1:20 – Rising number of anti-Muslim candidates

Scott Simpson is the Public Advocacy Director with Muslim Advocates, a national civil rights organization working “to guarantee freedom and justice for Americans of all faiths.”

1:34 – News Deserts

Penny Muse Abernathy (@businessofnews) is the Knight Chair in Journalism and Digital Media Economics at the UNC School of Media and Journalism. She joins us to discuss her recently released report The Expanding News Desert.

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