0:08 – Tipping Point: We bring you the highlights of the race to the 2018 midterms. In this series, we sort out the facts from the fireworks, try to ask big questions, and profile key players – all in 3 minutes of election news.
0:11 – WTF is Gab? Nazis, social media, and elections
April Glaser (@aprilaser) writes about tech for Slate. Her latest piece is “How Hate Online Leads to Violence Offline”
0:34 – Election Debate: CA Prop 6 – Gas Tax Repeal
PRO: Carl Demaio (@carldemaio) is chairman of Reform California, a Republican anti-tax group and chairs the Yes on 6 campaign.
CON: Bill Magavern is Policy Director with the Coalition for Clean Air (@CleanairCA), which opposes Prop 6.
1:08 – KPFA News – Alameda Measure K on rent control
The issues of affordable housing and rent control are top-tier in elections across California. While voters consider Prop 10, the statewide measure on whether to lift limits on rent control, one small East Bay city – Alameda – is slated to vote on it’s own rent control. Measure K would enshrine rent laws into the City charter, and opponents say it would weaken tenants’ protections. And, that fight is bringing in big real estate money to the island. Nick Alexandra reports.
1:13 – California’s embattled District 10: Devin Nunes vs. Andrew Janz
California’s 10th congressional district spans the northern San Joaquin Valley with the city of Modesto at its center. It’s one of the State’s major battleground elections and one that democrats hope to change in their favor. Incumbent Republican Jeff Denham has served three terms in what is considered a purple district, that Hillary Clinton won by a three percent margin in 2016. Vic Bedoian reports from Fresno.
1:17 – Domestic Violence Awareness
In honor of October being Domestic Violence Awareness month, we host experts in studio to discuss the current landscape, impact of political climate, challenges, and approaches for supporting survivors. Plus we take listener calls.
Cherri Allison is the Executive Director of Alameda County Family Justice Center and recipient of the American Bar Association’s 20/20 vision award.
Deborah Joy is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who runs a weekly therapy group for women experiencing abusive relationships