0:08 – Kavanaugh nomination chaos – we’re joined by Lisa Graves (@thelisagraves) former chief counsel for nominations to Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont; she’s also served as a deputy assistant attorney general in the Department of Justice. She’s now the co-founder of Documented, which investigates corporate influence on democracy. Graves explains the issue of Brett Kavanaugh potentially lying under oath, now documented in his time as chief counsel in the Bush White House, raising major concerns about his integrity.
0:34 – Why do survivors of sexual assault not report?
Zoe Peterson is a psychologist who directs the Kinsey Institute Sexual Assault Research Initiative at Indiana University-Bloomington (@kinseyinstitute), and joins us to discuss.
0:45 – The Anita Hill hearings changed politics. What will these do? Amanda Terkel (@aterkel) Washington Bureau Chief for Huffpost joins us to discuss.
1:08 – Fund Drive Special: The Long Shadow
Of all the divisions in America, none is as insidious and destructive as racism. In this powerful documentary, The Long Shadow the filmmakers, both privileged daughters of the South, who were haunted by their families slave owning pasts, passionately seek the hidden truth and the untold stories of how America—guided by the South’s powerful political influence—steadily, deliberately and at times secretly, established white privilege in our institutions, laws, culture and economy. Film by Francis Causey, now yours for a pledge of $100 to KPFA.
KPFA’s Fall Fund Drive is here! Thank you, as always, for supporting community radio. You can donate online now at kpfa.org or call 1-800-HEY-KPFA or 1-800-439-5732 and receive the following collections and thank you gifts.