0:08 – Tipping Point: 55 days til the 2018 midterms, we launch a new series where we sort out the facts from the fireworks, try to ask big questions, and profile key players – all in 3 minutes of election news.
0:11 – The presence of bots, fake algorithm-controlled social media accounts posing as real people to spread disinformation, was one of the biggest revelations which marked the 2016 presidential election. We sit down with April Glaser (@aprilaser), tech writer for Slate, to discuss what bots are, and just how dangerous they could be for the public consciousness.
0:34 – Hurricane Florence is shaping up to have the worst hurricane impact in U.S. history as it prepares to make landfall. We speak to a journalist with extensive Hurricane reporting experience – Omaya Sosa Pascual (@omayasosa ) investigative journalist and co-director of Puerto Rico’s Center for Investigative Journalism and co-founder of NotiCel.com, a digital news outlet, about Hurricane Maria’s impact on Puerto Rico and where the actual death toll stands.
1:08 – In the wake of 2016’s presidential election, many have asserted that the U.S. is a country experiencing a decline on all measurable fronts. We sit down with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and best-selling author Chris Hedges (@ChrisLynnHedges) to discuss this theme of regression, which is echoed in his latest book America: The Farewell Tour
1:33 – We speak with Eriel Derenger, Executive Director of Indigenous Climate Action. A member of the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation (ACFN) (@ACFN_KaiTaile), to discuss the dangers of the Canadian pipeline proposal and it’s potential toll on the environment.