7:36 – Fernando Carrillo was released earlier this week after being detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) on October 11, 2017, after dropping off his 4-year-old daughter at daycare. We spoke with him and his wife Lourdes Barraza.
8:08 – Phyllis Bennis is a fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies and works as a writer, activist, and analyst on the Middle East and UN issues. She speaks with us today regarding protests expected in Gaza.
8:34 – Adrienne Lauby is an activist with the grassroots group, Sonoma County Homeless Action! She’s also one of the hosts and producers of KPFA’s disability program, Pushing Limits.
8:44 – Writer and director Adrienne Price and lead actor and vocalist LeahAnn Mitchell, talk about The Red Shades, a transgender superhero rock opera. A showcase of songs will be performed this Saturday at 4:30 pm at El Rio in San Francisco.