7:34 – Imani Gandy, Senior Legal Analyst at Rewire, reproductive justice activist and the host of Rewire’s podcast Boom Lawyered.
Margaret Russell is Professor of Law at Santa Clara University, where she teaches constitutional law and civil procedure. Her areas of focus include civil rights and free speech. She is the editor of Freedom of Assembly and Petition: The First Amendment, Its Constitutional History and the Contemporary Debate.
8:08 – Kenneth Chamberlain Jr. is fighting for justice for his father, Kenneth Chamberlain Sr., who was tased and shot to death by the White Plains police in 2011. Oral arguments in the appeals begin tomorrow.
8:38 – April Glaser writes about tech for Slate, where she’s been covering new revelations about Cambridge Analytica’s harvesting of data from 50 million Facebook users. She is the co-host of Slate’s podcast If Then and previously worked at the Electronic Frontier Foundation.