Salima Hamirani hosts Friday’s show. She speaks with Robert Grant about the HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis known as PrEP and asks some questions about how PrEP works and its efficacy. Robert Grant is the Associate Director of the UCSF Center for AIDS Research, directing a research laboratory, and clinical practice in the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at San Francisco General Hospital. On the one year anniversary of the devastating Ghost Ship fire in Fruitvale, Salima interviews Tiffany Saint-Bunny about the tragedy that rocker the queer and creative communities in the Bay Area, and about her ongoing work with the Trans Assistance Project; an organization designed to interface with the media on behalf of trans folks, and provide trans folks with material aid. David DeBolt has worked for daily newspapers in Palo Alto, Fairfield and Walnut Creek. He joined the Bay Area News Group in 2012. He joins UpFront to discuss some of the lawsuits that came out of the Ghost Ship fire and the subsequent potential manslaughter charges that have surfaced in the past year. Despite the fact that the landlords were aware of infrastructural issues, the Ng family faces no criminal charges.