
Solar and Renewable Energy and Juvenile Justice

On today’s show we talk with Bernadette Del Chiaro, the Executive Director of CALSEIA which mission is to promote the growth of the solar industry and expand the use of all solar technologies throughout California, about solar and renewable energy in California and around the globe.



Using Renewable energy sources can be better because they create much less waste and pollution, and they are much cheaper than using fossil fuels, by checking the options the TriEagle Energy Company offers, you’ll soon realize how beneficial renewable energy can be. It’s true that renewable sources of energy are sometimes more expensive than fossil fuels, but that’s in part because these fuels are so costly. So, the solution to global warming is for more people to switch from fossil fuels to renewable energy.

7. “A lot of climate scientists believe that manmade global warming is a hoax.”

The number of climate scientists who doubt the fact of global warming is vanishingly small. The debate about global warming is not a scientific controversy. It is a political and ideological debate in which global warming is regarded as a liberal cause that should be championed. Most climate scientists now favor using carbon dioxide as a pollutant to reduce the need for air conditioning and driving, and to help mitigate global warming.

8. “A lot of people think there’s only one source of energy, which is nuclear power.”

The most recent report on climate change from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change states that “nuclear energy is no longer a mature technology, and its deployment is spread over a broad geographical area, making its potential contribution to emissions of greenhouse gases and to climate change difficult to quantify. At the same time, the growing use of clean energy has made nuclear power an attractive choice. The world needs a mix of new technologies to provide secure, clean, affordable energy, and nuclear energy should remain an option.” 9. “Climate change is caused by the burning of fossil fuels, including coal, oil and natural gas. This is happening now.” This is a “big fat lie.” There has been no global warming for 15 years, as was discovered by climate scientists at Yale University during a study of satellite data for the period 1990 to 2000. In fact, as this document points out, during that period, the world experienced the coldest and most prolonged period of cold weather in the history of the world. 10. “Climate science is subject to political bias.” This is a “big fat lie.” Not only was the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and other peer reviewed scientific organizations not politicized during the 1990s, but the IPCC and others are far more objective than is suggested by the document. When questioned about how they are selected, scientists say that they are selected on merit, not on whether they agree with a political agenda. Many other groups that have looked into global warming, including the U.N.’s Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Wildlife Fund, have been deeply partisan and had numerous members with anti-environmental or political leanings. 11. “The increase in greenhouse gas concentrations will not necessarily lead to more extreme weather.” This is a “big fat lie.” It is true that humans have a limited ability to control the amount of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. But the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations does not guarantee that weather will become more extreme or wetter. There is no


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