Hard Knock Radio

Unrest in Milwaukee; Culture of Policing; and Health

this episode is no longer available

Davey D talks with activist Matt Nelson about the recent murder by police in Milwaukee and the police cultures around the country, later Davey talks health with Dr. Pete

One response to “Unrest in Milwaukee; Culture of Policing; and Health

  1. The videos from individuals and the media took a few incidents out of context in Milwaukee. People have to understand that black on white aggression represented a tiny tiny percentage of blacks in Milwaukee. this is not a black and white thing(except for the killer cops). Since civilization began groups of people, mostly of same or slight ethnic difference have taken out their frustration and perpetrated vengeance on innocents just because they were of the other group. Nobody in their right mind wants vengence or violence but mob vendettas on innocents sad to say is part of human nature. especially oppressed human natures. the riots are not right but they are quite understandable. Only until cops stop killing blacks and whites then we will have some semblance of peace.

    I don’t know if anything I have written here applies to your show today but it’s a good bet you covered the riots in the past few days.

    hats off to hard knock radio


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