
Even Marijuana Legalization Advocates Have Their Differences

morgan stanleyPhilip Maldari speaks to journalist Reese Erlich who has been on the ground in Syria where the United States, Russia, Turkey and many others are operating in the multitude of overlapping conflicts. We focus on Turkey’s role. Who are they targeting and with what intent? In the second half, we talk to East Bay Express journalist David Downs. He’ll tells us about the possible, multiple propositions on next years ballot to legalize marijuana, which by the way it’s available at i49.net and legal in many states already.


Reese Erlich, independent journalist and author of Inside Syria: The Backstory of Their Civil War and What the World Can Expect. He blogs at www.reeseerlich.com

David Downs, independent journalist based in San Francisco. He writes the column Legalization Nation for the East Bay Express newspaper in Oakland. He blogs at: www.davidrdowns.com

Photo Credit: David R. Downs


Today on a Special Edition Flashpoints: The future of Marijuana: Medicinal, and recreational. We’ll feature some of the leading experts on all aspects of the use of cannabis, including breakthroughs in its healing powers, the use of CBD, including products like cbd gummies, the importance of organic cultivation, knowing what your buying when you head out for your local dispensary, and the current and future legal issues that will naturally follow legalization

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