
Oakland’s City Council is under fire for moving forward with an land deal to sell off city owned land to build luxury apartments. A report by the East Bay Express earlier this week shows that the City Attorney Barbara Parker had advised the Council back in February that the deal violates the State’s Surplus Land Act and is in fact illegal. East Lake United for Justice, black.seed, and Asians4BlackLives, the groups organizing against the deal, are demanding that the city put the parcel back out to bid. This time, with a requirement for affordable housing.
Guest: Kiernan Rok, Eastlake United for Justice
Greek Debt Crisis
Then, the Syriza led government announced late last night that they have put forward a proposal to implement 13 billion Euro worth of austerity measures in hopes of securing another bailout from European creditors. The announcement comes less than a week after Greek voters overwhelmingly rejected the Creditors’ last austerity bailout package. We’ll get an update on the situation in Greece, the Syriza party’s rise to power and its relationship with Greek social movements.
- Jerome Ross, editor ROAR Magazine
- Pavlos Stavroupolos, Greek American activist