7:00 am
Bankruptcy, tax code and other economic issues. Henry Summer, attorney with Bankruptcy Assistance Project.
7:20 am
What Alan Greenspan Said.
James Galbraith, professor of economics at the LBJ School of Public Affairs
at the University of Texas, Austin and author of Created Unequal, The
Crisis in American Pay.
7:30 am
Patricia Hill Collins, author of Black Sexual Politics:
African Americans, Gender, and the New Racism.
8:00 am
Solo Mujeres: 18th Annual Exhibition of Women Artists. Patricia Rodriguez, gallery director and curator; Susan Matthews, contributing artist. www.missionculturalcenter.org
8:20 am
Global Women’s Strike. Lori Nairne, with Global Women’s Strike.globalwomensstrike.net
8:30 am
The mysteries and joys of baking.
Alice Medrich, contributor of Baking from the Heart: Our Nation’s Best Bakers Share Cherished Recipes; Debby Maugans Nakos, author of Small-Batch Baking.