Sunday Salon

Sunday Salon – February 20, 2005

First Hour:
Political Resistance: The Bush Years

Guests: Chris Carlsson, editor, The Political Edge (City Lights Books); Brian Drolet and Alpa Patel, producer/editors, Shocking and Awful: A Grassroots Response to War and Occupation (Deep Dish TV:

Second Hour:
Iraq: An Electoral Solution,
or More of the Same?

Guests: Christian Parenti, author, The Freedom: Shadows and Hallucinations in Occupied Iraq (New Press); Pratap Chatterjee, Corpwatch (, author, Iraq, Inc.: A Profitable Occupation (Seven Stories Press); Aaron Glantz, author How the U.S. Lost Iraq (Tarcher, June 2005).

Copies of above books and DVD’s are available as premiums for pledges to KPFA’s current fund drive. Pledge during "Sunday Salon" at 1-800-439-5732. Or see KPFA’s secure on-line pledge form. Thank you!

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