First and foremost, follow the station clock! The time below is synced with the station archiver, it is used by our automation system and the board-operators for transitions.  This is important because you will need to start on time and end on time.  Any deviation will negatively affect our website archives, airtime for promos and psa’s, and the programs before and after your show.  If you need to see the time in a separate tab or larger, please click on the “The Station Clock” link below.

The Station Clock (Pacific Time):

Secondly, connect to the On Air Studio at least 15 minutes before your show.  If you experience any issues connecting, immediately message the Operations Department on #operations in Slack.

Click Here to Connect to the On Air Studio

These pages apply to the needs of all live shows and all the answers to your questions should be within these pages.  Our goal is to provide the listening audience with the smoothest sounding show of the utmost quality.  They should not know there are issues in the background, and in order to accomplish this, you must dedicate two thirds (2/3) to three fourths (3/4) of your time to preparation.  Remember, “Quality is respect for listeners!”

Before Your Show Checklist

  1. Ensure you are technically trained and ready 1 week prior to your show.
    • For Remote Shows: Ensure your home studio is set up correctly.
      • Tools for Host Producers: Slack or Google Hangouts to communicate with the Board Operator Off-Mic, and connecting to the On Air Studio.
    • For In Studio Shows: Ensure you know how to use all the tools that apply to you.
      • Tools for Host Producers: Studio Computer Logins, On Air Studio Phone Module, and the mute and talk back buttons.
      • Tools for Board Operators and Music Host Producers: Studio Computer Logins, On Air Studio Equipment, On Air Studio Phone Module, talk back and dump buttons.
  2. Runsheet and Credits – This is Mandatory.
    • Create and Submit Runsheets to [email protected].  We ask that you do this 30 minutes before your program.
    • Remember your show must end on time.
      • 29 minutes
      • 58 minutes (local programming)
      • 59 minutes (syndicated programming: Democracy Now!, Letters & Politics and Flashpoints only)
      • For any show longer than 1 hour, please remember to play promos and station IDs at the top of every hour.  AND you must end at the 58 minute mark of the final hour of your show.
    • Confirm your guests’ contacts are correct and that you have a back up.
      • Whenever there is a problem connecting to guests, there are generally two problems.
        • The guest phone number or online account info is incorrect.
        • The guest is on a different timezone and is ready at a different time.
    • Write and confirm names for your show’s credits.
  3. Prepare and Submit Sound Elements
    • Upload your sound to KPFA’s Dropbox 30 minutes before your program starts.
    • Links to online content.
      • Please ensure this content is not copyrighted or you have explicit permision from the creator to use it.
  4. Contact your board operator a week in advance for any special requests.
  5. Update your Episode page on

During Your Show

  1. Pay Attention to the Station Clock.
    • Note: You can use your smartphone to give you a countdown, which is helpful to end on time.
      • 29 minutes.
      • 58 minutes (local programming).
      • 59 minutes (syndicated programming: Democracy Now!, Letters & Politics and Flashpoints only).
      • For any show longer than 1 hour, please remember to play promos and station IDs at the top of every hour.  AND you must end at the 58 minute mark of the final hour of your show.
  2. Abide by FCC and Station Policies and Guidelines with regards to:
  3. No Station ID’s unless your program is longer than 1 hour.  Station ID’s are already scheduled in automation between program.  If your show is longer than 1 hour, click here to learn more about the proper way to say the Station ID.
  4. Music Programmers: Ensure your playlist is accurate.
    • Click here to edit your playlist.

After Your Show

  1. Clean up the studio, wipe down any surfaces and ensure you normalize all equipment you used.  Normalize means you return all equipment to the state you encountered it when you arrived.
  2. If obscene, indecent, or patently offensive language was aired, fill-out the Sensitive Language Report.
  3. Update your Episode page on
    1. Instructions for updating an Episode on
    2. Episode Description Guidelines
  4. Music Programmers
    • Bring up Automation at the 58 minute mark of the final hour.
    • Normalize the Board.
    • Sign Program Log.
    • Exit the On Air Studio as quickly and quietly as possible.
    • Double check the playlist is correct.
      • Click here to edit your playlist.