KPFA’s 2023 Local Station Elections

We are making this election as sustainable and low-cost as possible through the use of electronic ballots sent via email. You may receive a text message or phone call asking for the best email address to use for your e-ballot. You will receive your e-ballot on August 15th and weekly reminders until you vote. Make sure to safe-list in order to receive your ballot. The voting period closes on September 30, 2023 at 11:59 PM EST/10:59 PM CST / 8:59 PM PST.
Delegate Election Timeline 2023
• April – May 31 Election Preparation
• June 1 Nominations phase opens and Fair Campaign Provisions take effect
• June 30 Record Date for Membership
• July 6 – Nominations phase closes
• July 7 – July 8 Candidate Certification
• Aug 15 Ballot Phase Begins – Open election and campaign phase
• Sep 30 Voting Phase closes at 11:59 PM EST / 10:59 PM CST / 8:59 PM PST
• Oct 10 Results announced and certified
Have questions?
Contact the election supervisor by emailing [email protected] or leave a voicemail on 213-635-9363.