To Make a Call:

  1. Search or enter your contact’s Skype handle and click on it to establish contact. You might want to initiate a chat, letting them know who you are and that you will be calling them momentarily. 
  2. When ready to connect, click the call button represented by a phone icon.

To Make a Conference Call:

  1. Once you have initiated a chat with your first guest, click on the Create New Group button.  
  2. Add another Skype handle to establish a conference call.
    • Know that both callers will be assigned to the same fader.

Communicating with your Guest Offline:

  • Clicking on your contact will open up a chat window.


  • Once connected, you can check their connection by pressing the CUE button on the SKYPE fader. You can talk to them by pressing and holding down the talk-back button (TB).




    • It’s always a great idea to have a backup phone number just in case the Skype connection fails.
    • If Skype is logged out and you need login information, please refer to the Important Login Information page.
    • If experiencing an issue where the the guest can hear the host but the host cannot hear the guest, or vice-versa, make sure that the sound output and input are both set to their default: OUTPUT or Microphone set to SKYPE MIX MINUS and INPUT or Speakers set to SKYPE.
    • Faders to use: SKYPE




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