Youth Radio

Youth Radio – December 4, 2004

This week on Youth Radio on KPFA FM, Youth Radio visits Oakland Public Schools’ new truancy center. We’ll hear about what happens when it’s cool to be friends with your teachers. Plus, some advice on how to deal with "haters".

Youth Radio

Youth Radio – November 13, 2004

This week on Youth Radio on KPFA FM, we’ll hear a commentary from a young voter in Los Angeles who feels she was misinformed about the electoral process, a young woman’s translation guide to teenage boys, and a story about how the power of the youth vote is being spun by analysts.

Youth Radio

Youth Radio – October 30, 2004

This week on Youth Radio on KPFA FM…with the election around the corner, we’ll hear an interview with a young activist with Kids for a Stronger America, touring the swing states to convince voters not to re-elect George W. Bush. Also we’ll talk to Hard Knock Records’ Nick Huff about the "Slam Bush" mix tape. … Continued

Youth Radio

Youth Radio – October 16, 2004

This week on Youth Radio on KPFA, we’ll hear a commentary from young person who says too much pressure from parents can have a negative affect on a student’s grades. We’ll also hear the latest installment in our Reflections on Return series – voices from young people who have served in the Iraq war. And … Continued

Youth Radio

Youth Radio – October 9, 2004

This week on Youth Radio on KPFA FM, we’ll hear the story of a young soldier who is protesting the war in Iraq…that he is about to join. Also, a commentary from a young woman who used to be a cutter, on finally baring her scars to the world. Finally we’ll hear the poetry and … Continued