Rose Aguilar has been the host of Your Call since 2006. She became a regular Friday media roundtable guest in 2001.
In 2005, Rose took a six-month road trip through the so-called ‘red states’ to find out why people vote the way they do (or not) and what issues they care about. Red Highways: A Journey into the Heartland chronicles her experience.
Rose has written for Al Jazeera English, Truthout, The Nation, and AlterNet. She’s currently working on a book about older women activists and a new radio show focusing on investigative journalism. She is a member of the Native American Journalists Association and mentor-editor for The OpEd Project, an organization that works to increase the range of voices we hear in the media.
Before joining KALW, Rose published a newsletter about women’s issues and was a reporter and weekend host for CNET Radio, where she covered technology’s impact on society. In college, she ran the TV and radio news departments and DJ’d a heavy metal show.
Rose’s interests include hiking, camping, vegan living, animal rights, live music, and spending as much time underwater as possible. She volunteers for Students Rising Above, an organization that supports first generation college bound high school students.