7:00 AM PACIFIC TIME: Mondays - Fridays
UpFront delivers a mix of local, state, and international coverage through challenging interviews, civil debates, breaking updates, and in-depth discussions with authors. UpFront PM is the afternoon edition of UpFront. Pitch us at [email protected].
Theme Music: Turn It Up by Digital Primitives, licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (aka Music Sharing) 3.0 International License.
Up Front – 10/31/2013
Arjun Makhijani joins us to discuss Japan’s plans to start removing 1500 fuel rods from Fukushima Unit 4, and the risks that work entails. Charlie Eaton on the growing chunk of higher education spending that’s going straight to Wall Street. San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed on his ballot initiative to reform public pensions in California … Continued