Up Front – June 9, 2014
Guests:Evan Greer the Campaign Director for Reset the Net, Andrew Crocker a legal fellow for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and Arun Gupta an Independent Journalist speaking on the topic of minimum wage.
7:00 AM PACIFIC TIME: Mondays - Fridays
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Theme Music: Turn It Up by Digital Primitives, licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (aka Music Sharing) 3.0 International License.
Guests:Evan Greer the Campaign Director for Reset the Net, Andrew Crocker a legal fellow for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and Arun Gupta an Independent Journalist speaking on the topic of minimum wage.
Guests: Eric Williams the President of Transport Workers Union
Guests:Maria Sahagun an RN in the emergency department at DMC and a Richmond resident and Richard Wolinsky with a review on the new Tony Kushner production at the Berkeley Rep, “The Intelligent Homosexual’s Guide to Capitalism and Socialism, w/ a key to the scriptures.” (playing at Berkeley Rep through June 29th)
Guests: Cory Cook a Professor of Politics at the University of San Francisco, David Cobb the National Projects Director of Democracy Unlimited, and Jeffrey Clements the President and Co-Founder of Free Speech for People and author of the “Corporations Are Not People“
Guests: Alexander Main a Senior Policy Analyst at the Center for Economic and Policy Research and George Ciccareillio-Maher an assistant professor of History & Politics at Drexel University
Guests: Jon Golinger a Campaign Co-Chairman for Proposition B and Patrick Valentino a commercial real estate lawyer and partner at VLP Law Group