Transitions On Traditions

Transitions On Traditions – July 27, 2009 at 8:00pm

this episode is no longer available

Stephen Ronan, Helen Holt, Don.    A three hour rail ride with a couple old hands from the early days of OTE, returning tonight for the first time in years. Railroad Ray reads from his traveling poetry as Miss Information plays horns, flutes, mandolin, and sound devices, interrupted by That Hellbound Train, The Signal Man, and … Continued

Transitions On Traditions

Transitions On Traditions – July 20, 2009 at 8:00pm

this episode is no longer available

Freshwater is our most vital natural resource. It’s a finite one too, although we don’t always treat it that way.  Contamination, overconsumption, misuse and abuse have made freshwater increasingly scarce around the world. So how do we protect our water supply? Many say start at the source––take care of the rivers. On this edition, we … Continued

Transitions On Traditions

Transitions On Traditions – June 8, 2009 at 8:00pm

this episode is no longer available

Caroline welcomes Wahleah Johns and Enei Begaye, 2 Navajo Tribal leaders, co-founders of Black Mesa Water Coalition to celebrate, encourage and nourish the passing  of the Navajo Green Economy Legislation on July 21st the Solar Eclipse Care-taking of Mother Earth New Moon in Cancer.