The Talkies
12:00 PM Pacific Time: Fridays
What’s in the news, what’s behind what’s in the news, what’s not in the news that should be in the news—and who’s doing what about it, here and now. Celebration and support from our vibrant, diverse community. Hosted by Kris Welch.
Living Room -Guest Host Veronica Faisant interviews award winning Poet & Liturgist, Rabbl Rami Shapiro &Thomas Gagliano, co-author of “The Problem was Me” – November 25, 2011
Guest Host Veronica Faisant discusses Spirituality versus Religion with Rabbi Rami Shapiro. Author Thomas Gagliano shares insight into self sabotaging behavior and discusses his book, “The Problem was Me’. Listeners call-in.
Living Room —Guest Host Veronica Faisant discusses ‘Positive News with Ilonka Wloch – November 24, 2011
Guest Host Veronica Faisant chat with Ilonka Wloch, editor of Positive News, a not-for-profit newspaper published in the Bay Area. Veronica opens the phone lines and discuss the challenge of embracing gratitude in these difficult times with listeners.