The Morning Show

The Morning Show – September 12, 2007

War Without End in the Middle East John Nichols, Washington Correspondent for The Nation Robert Borosage, co-director of the the Campaign for America’s Future Representative Maxine Waters (CA-35), Chair and Co-Founder of the ‘Out of Iraq’ Congressional Caucus David Bacon on Labor The campaign for fair wages and a contract for security guards throughout California. … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – September 11, 2007

The 6th Anniversary of 9/11 Joshua Holland, senior writer and editor at "The Cigarette Century: The Rise, Fall and Persistence of the Product that Defined America" Allan Brandt, author Food Aid for the Poor or Pork for the Corn Belt Anuradha Mittal, Executive Director Oakland Institute Karen Hansen-Kuhn, Food and Hunger Policy Analyst, with … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – September 7, 2007

Bombing Iraqi Cities from the Air Conn Hallinan, wrote "Death at a Distance: The U.S. Air War," Foreign Policy in Focus analyst Bush vs. the State Child Health Insurance Program Deena Lahn, Policy Director Children’s Defense Fund Ron Pollack is the Founding Executive Director of Families USA, Reyna Cowan on Film Madcat Film Festival with … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – September 6, 2007

Subprime Lending to Minorities Liz Wolff, National Research Director, ACORN, Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, Cristine Soto Deberry, California Outreach Director for the Center for Responsible Lending (based in Durham, NC) Power Plants in Hayward Paul Haavik, an intervenor in one of the power plant cases Michael Toth resident of west Hayward … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – September 5, 2007

The State Legislature Attempts to Wrap Things Up Frank Russo, publisher of the California Progress Report Christopher Martinez, KPFA Capital Correspondent David Bacon on Labor Sal Roselli, president of United Healthcare West Sylvia Martinez, a worker at Community Medical Center in Fresno Racial, Ethnic Mortality Patterns in California Helen Lee, Research Fellow at Public … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – September 4, 2007

The War Comes Home: Aaron Glantz author of "How America Lost Iraq" Garett Reppenhagen, former Chairman of the Board Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW), The Unraveling of the Bush Presidency Howard Zinn, author and Prof. Emeritus at Boston University Fermenting Revolution: How to Drink Beer and Save the World Christopher Mark O’Brien, his … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – August 31, 2007

Senator Larry Craig Is Not Gay Michelangelo Signorile, host of Michelangelo Signorile Show and author The Katrina & Rita Tribunal: Truth Crushed to Earth Will Rise! Davey D in New Orleans, Check in with parent and student advocate Sandra Fewer, prop H committee member, public school parent and director of parent organizing at Coleman Advocates … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – August 30, 2007

Bush Attacks Iran, Again Ervand Abrahamian, Prof of Middle East History Baruch College CUNY Arang Keshavarzian, Asst. Prof. of Government at Connecticut College and member of the editorial board of The Middle East Research and Information Project "Exposed; The Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Products and What’s at Stake for American Power" Mark Schapiro, author and … Continued