The Morning Show

The Morning Show – September 17, 2007

Confronting the Global Triple Crisis: Climate Change, Peak Oil, Global Resource Depletion & Species ExtinctionDr.Jack Santa Barbara, Director of the Sustainable Scale Project andauthor of The False Promise of Biofuels.Maude Barlow, is is national chairperson of The Council of Canadiansand is also the co-founder of the Blue Planet Project on the board of the International … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – September 14, 2007

Bush Wants the Surge to ContinueNatalie Goldring, Senior Fellow at the Center for Peace and Security Studies Georgetown UniversityAnn Wright, a former State Department diplomat and retired Army colonel The Affordable Housing Debate in OaklandGreg McConnell, Consultant and Legislative Advocate with the McConnell groupAmie Fishman, Executive Director East Bay Housing Organizations home Women Resisting Militarism … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – September 13, 2007

Special Session of the State Legislature to Address the Health Care Initiative Assembly Bill 8 Ellen Wu, Executive Director, California Pan-Ethnic Health Network Anthony Wright, Executive Director, Health Access, Sal Rosselli, President SEIU United Healthcare Workers- West "David Suzuki: The Autobiography" Advocating for the Homeless Jennifer Friedenbach, Organizing director of the Coalition on … Continued