The Morning Show

The Morning Show – April 17, 2008

Chevron’s attacks on award winning environmentalists from Ecuador, followed by a half hour with activist Cindy Sheehan, live in the studio. In the second hour analysis of the Supreme Court’s decision yesterday that lethal injection is constitutional. Wrapping up the program author, Hilton Obenzinger, is in studio to discuss his memoir, "Busy Dying."

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – April 16, 2008

Hearings on the plan to spray the Bay Area to eradicate the Light Brown Apple Moth, followed by analysis of the election results in Italy. Next David Bacon, labor correspondent, looks at the workers’ movement in China. In the second hour Aimee Allison talks with author, Adam Mansbach, about his book "The End of the … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – April 15, 2008

Morning Show interviews Pratap Chatterjee, Executive Director of Corpwatch, who was recently embedded in Iraq with the US military. Also, the realities of the sex trade and a program to reform johns, the men who solicit women for sex. In the second hour Phil Donahue, discusses his new film “Body of War.”

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – April 9, 2008

The Olympic Torc”s arrival in San Francisco. David Bacon, labor correspondent, covers a live demonstration at the Blue Diamond warehouse in Sacramento. In the second hour Jeffrey Sachs joins host Aimee Allison to discuss his book "Common Wealth: Economics for a Crowded Planet". Wrapping up the program a tribute to Paul Robeson who turns 110. … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – April 8, 2008

Food scarcity around the planet with Jennifer Parmelee, Public Affairs Officer UN World Food Programme and Eric Holt Gimenez, Executive Director of Food First, followed by a conversation with Ha-Joon Chang, author of "Bad Samaritans: The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism". In the second hour a conversation with Dr. Irvin … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – April 4, 2008

Arecent testimony that the Federal Aviation Administration has bent the rules on airline safety. Followed by more information on the recently declassified torture memo from John Yoo.In the second hour Cindy and Craig Corrie, parents of Rachel Corrie will be in the studio to discuss "Let Me Stand Alone, The Journals of Rachel Corrie". Wrapping … Continued