The Morning Show

The Morning Show – August 26, 2005

7:00 Chris Toensing, Middle East Research and Information Project 7:30 Hip Hop and Academia. Dawn-Elissa Fischer, anthropologist, filmmaker and educator concerned with the ways youth around the world use Hiphop as a tool for political empowerment. Currently the Education Outreach Coordinator at the Hiphop Archive S. Craig Watkins, author of Hip Hop Matters: Politics, … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – August 25, 2005

7:00 Falun Gong and a Chinese Art Exhibit. Richard Baum, Prof of Political Science, UCLA; Lisa Chung, columnist at the San Jose Mercury News; Sherry Zhang, long time Falun Gong practitioner. 7:30 Hunters Point Shipyard Artist Relocation. Michael Cohen, city director of base reuse and development; Zannah Noe, painter at Hunters Point for 2 years … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – August 24, 2005

7:00 Edith Mirante, author of Down the Rat Hole: Adventures Underground on Burma’s Frontier 7:30 David Bacon on Labor. 8:00 Faith and the Left. Anne Lamott bestselling author of Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith; Medea Benjamin, co-founder of CODEPINK and Global Exchange. 8:30 Dreaming Beyond Death: A Guide to Pre-Death Dreams and Visions. Kelly … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – August 23, 2005

7:00 The War Continues in Afganistan. Nazif Shahrani, Chair of the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures at Indiana University. 7:30 Lynn Alley, author of The Gourmet Slow Cooker. Robin Robertson, author of Fresh from the Vegetarian Slow Cooker and a contributing editor at Vegetarian Times. 8:00 Kurt Pitzer co-author with Dr. Mahdi Obeidi … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – August 22, 2005

7:00 Mitch Jeserich, Washington Correspondent for Free Speech Radio News, re: John Roberts, immigration, Cindy Sheehan 7:30 Phyllis Bennis, fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies and author of the forthcoming book, Challenging Empire: How People, Governments, and the UN Defy US Power 8:00 Mary Anne Mohanraj, author of Bodies in Motion 8:30 Anneli Rufus, … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – August 19, 2005

7:00 The Republican View of the Propositions on the November Ballot. Duf Sundheim, Chair of the California Republican Party 7:30 Crisis in Haiti. Marguerite Laurent, founder of the Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network; Dave Welsh, part of a labor human rights delegation to Haiti 8:00 Reyna Cowan on Film: "Elevator to the Gallows", Louis Malle 8:30 … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – August 18, 2005

7:00 Update on American Indians’ lawsuit for millions in unpaid oil and gas royalties. Elouise Cobell, lead plaintiff in the lawsuit and banker with the Native American Bank, lives in Montana, member of the Blackfeet Nation; Marcella Burgess Giles, attorney at law working with the Allottees in Oklahoma who are part of the class 7:30 … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – August 17, 2005

7:00 The Berkeley Peace and Justice Commission. Rita Maran, ex-commissioner, President of the United Nations Association of the East Bay and lecturer on International Human Rights Law at UCB; Michael Sherman, commissioner; Elliott Cohen, commissioner 7:30 David Bacon on Labor. Berkeley Honda; Bill Mixell, service adviser, worker and striker; Tim Paulsen, head of Labor Council … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – August 16, 2005

7:00 Democratic Part Perspective on the November Election; Bob Mulholland, campaign adviser to the Democratic Party, CA 7:30 BART, Stay Alert for Anything Suspicious: Renee Salcedo, Attorney, La Raza Centro Legal and an Organizer with the San Francisco Day Labor Program. David Solnit, editor of the new book Globalize Liberation: How to Uproot the System … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – August 15, 2005

7:00 Iraqi Constitution. Asad Abukhalil, professor of political science at Cal. State Stanislaus, author of The Battle for Saudi Arabia: Royalty, Fundamentalism, and Global Power; Asra Nomani, author of Standing Alone in Mecca: An American Woman’s Struggle for the Soul of Islam; Nabil Al-Hadithy 7:30 Pullout from Gaza. Mitchell Plitnick, co-director, Jewish Voice for Peace; … Continued