
Saturday Morning Talkies – September 11, 2004

On the anniversary of 9/11, we hear women’s ideas for peace. Jeyanthy Siva, peace activist from Sri Lanka; Joanna Macy, buddhist peace activist; award-winning actress Sherry Glaser and choreographer Thais Mazur ("Remember This! Intimate Portrayals of War Through the Eyes of Women" 9/11-12 at Dance Mission 3316 24th/Mission, SF 415-273-4633) join host Kris Welch, 9-10 … Continued


Saturday Morning Talkies – August 21, 2004

Mark Geller wants to keep his Ford: Ford Motor Company released electric cars a few years back, but now they have discontinued the program. Mark Geller’s lease on his car has expired, and Ford wants to confiscate the car, refusing to renew the lease or allow Mark to buy the car. Ford is confiscating these … Continued


Saturday Morning Talkies – August 14, 2004

He flummoxed the O’Reilly Factor, completely irritating the already irritating Bill O’Reilly. And thereby became one of the stars of the film "Outfoxed." 9/11 Families member Jeremy Glick joins host Kris Welch, live in studio to take your calls, from 9 to 10 a.m.