Sunday Show
9:00 AM Pacific Time: Sundays
Hosted by Philip Maldari with listener call-ins.
Topics include current political events, climate change and the housing crisis.
The Sunday Show – April 11, 2010
Last week Obama announce his Nuclear Posture Review and then signe the New START Treaty with Russia. This coming week 40 heads of state will gather in Washington for the first Nuclear Security Summit. What does it all mean? In the second hour a closer look at taxes.
The Sunday Show – April 4, 2010
In the second hour a conversation with Hugh Raffles about his book, "Insectopedia"
The Sunday Show – February 21, 2010
Yoga master Judith Lasater discusses her book, " Relax and Renew: Restful Yoga for Stressful Times". Then excerpts from the biographical video about Howard Zinn, "You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train"
The Sunday Show – February 14, 2010
In the first hour a debate on the status of Pluto on the eightieth anniversary of its discovery. In the second hour saving the Bay from sewage when the rains overwhelm treatment plants. A round table discussion with reps from EBMUD, SFPUC, EPA, and Baykeeper.