Sing Out

Sing Out! – March 22, 2006 at 10:00pm

this episode is no longer available

LIVE SPOTLIGHT: FORMS OF THINGS UNKNOWN (live performance) hosted by dAS (co-host Ninah Pixie) FORMS OF THINGS UNKNOWN is the musical nom-de-guerre of San Francisco multi-instrumentalist Ferrara Brain Pan. Ferrara Brain Pan is a windplayer whose instrumental abilities range from the more familiar woodwinds such as flutes, saxophones, bass clarinet and recorders to such … Continued

Sing Out

Sing Out! – February 22, 2006 at 10:00pm

this episode is no longer available

LIVE SPOTLIGHT: Ava Mendoza hosted by dAS (co-host Ninah Pixie) AVA MENDOZA is an improvising guitarist, electronic musician and composer who lives in Oakland, California. She spends most of her time playing guitar and making music using mixing board feedback and other analog electronics, although she also devotes large amounts of time to cooking … Continued