Puzzling Evidence, the legendary Church of the SubGenius radio program, was started back in 1982 at KPFA by Doug Wellman (aka Puzzling Evidence) who was soon joined by Hal Robins (aka Dr. Howland Owll). Later on SubGenius co-founder Philo Drummond joined the line-up, which often features special guests such as KROB or various visiting SubGeni. The show airs every Friday morning from 3am to 5am and you can even call in at 510-848-4425 and see if you can work your way into the mix. Archives and a mono podcast of the show are available on the KPFA website and in addition to that, Jeff Anton creates stereo podcasts of the show each week. “Puzzling Evidence” is one of the longest running programs on KPFA along with Don Joyce’s “Over The Edge” and rumor has it that the Talking Heads song “Puzzling Evidence”, from the film “True Stories”, was inspired by this radio show.

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