The Project Censored Show is a weekly public affairs program that airs Fridays from 1-2 P.M. Pacific time on KPFA Pacifica Radio. The program is an extension of the work Project Censored began in 1976 celebrating independent journalism while fighting media censorship and supporting a truly free press. The program focuses on The News That Didn’t Make the News. Each week, co-hosts Mickey Huff and Peter Phillips conduct in depth interviews with their guests and offer hard hitting commentary on the key political, social, and economic issues of the day with an emphasis on  Archives for the past three and half years are on line at:

In 1976, Dr. Carl Jensen founded Project Censored at Sonoma State University as a media research program with a focus on student development of media literacy and critical thinking skills as applied to the news media censorship in the US. Each year the Project researches, vets, and compiles the Top Twenty Five most censored and under-reported news stories in the US, and offers scholarly analysis and critiques, which are published by Seven Stories Press

Mickey Huff


huffMickey Huff is cohost of The Project Censored Show on Pacifica Radio. Since 2010, Huff has been director of Project Censored and serves on the board of the Media Freedom Foundation. He is currently professor of social science and history at Diablo Valley College in the San Francisco Bay Area, where he is cochair of the history department. To date, he has edited or coedited six volumes of Censored and contributed numerous chapters to these works dating back to 2008. Additionally, he has coauthored several chapters on media and propaganda for numerous other scholarly publications. For the past several years, Huff has worked on the national planning committee of Banned Books Week, working with the American Library Association and the National Coalition Against Censorship, of which Project Censored is a member. He also is a representative on the hosting committee for the annual National Whistleblower Summit honoring whistleblowers, independent journalists, and their supporters. [email protected]

Peter Phillips

phillipsPeterPeter Phillips is co-host of the Project Censored show on Pacifica Radio, a professor Sociology at Sonoma State University and past Director of Project Censored (1996-2011). His first radio show was on KCVR in Lodi, California in 1965. Phillips holds a Ph.D. in Sociology (1994) from University of California, Davis and currently teaches classes in Investigative Sociology, Sociology of Power, Political Sociology, Sociology of Conspiracies and Sociology of Media. He has published fourteen editions of Censored: Media Democracy in Acton from Seven Stories Press. Also from Seven Stories Press he is an editor for Impeach the President: The Case Against Bush and Cheney (2006). Phillips continues to contribute scholarly articles to the annual Project Censored book and other publications. [email protected]

Since its founding, Project Censored has trained over 2,500 students in media literacy and has received numerous honors, including two Firecracker Alternative Book Awards, the 2008 PEN Oakland National Literary Censorship Award, and in 2013 became part of the National Coalition Against Censorship.

Anthony Fest
Contact:  [email protected]