From the Malawi Mouse Boys to the Rite of Spring, the wolves of the Rockies to the whale songs of the deep, the mouth bows of the Kalahari to the throat singers of Tuva, Stephen Kent’s Music of the World accepts no artificially drawn borders, knows no sound barriers and takes no prisoners – for this journey in music is FREE! Free to flow through the atmosphere we all share – an invisible yet tangible force field that celebrates the interconnectedness of life on this planet in all its beauty, all its jagged distress. Global music, both recorded and live in the KPFA studios, with interviews, concert announcements, ticket giveaways and expert commentary.
Stephen Kent

Multi-instrumentalist, composer, educator and entertainer Stephen Kent cut his eye teeth in East Africa witnessing the end of the colonial era, came of age in the UK squatting in London in Thatcher’s Britain, ran away to join the circus and graduated in Australia, escaped from a locked suitcase in 5 continents, made soundtracks in Barcelona and has been recovering in the Bay Area for over 24 years. A globally renowned virtuoso on the Australian Aboriginal didjeridu he has released over 2 dozen recordings of original music and believes that music is the heartbeat of humanity. Cross-cultural collaboration is at the root of his interest and he has traveled the world performing in extraordinary locations and at historical events including The Ndola Trade Fair (Zambia 1985), The Leipzig Jazz Festival (E.Germany Oct 1989), Glastonbury Festival (June 1990), New York International Arts Festival (NYNY Summer 1991),The Library of Congress (Washington DC Oct 2007), Mad Art Carthage (Tunisia 2010), Other Minds (San Francisco March 2015), Sziget Festival (Budapest August 2017) He began his radio career on Melbourne’s 3RRR FM in 1982 and has produced Music of the World on KPFA since 1995.