Making Contact

Making Contact – April 22, 2005

The Third Option – Assisted Suicide In 1994, Oregonians voted to make doctor assisted suicide legal, the only law of its type in United States. Ten years later, it’s still controversial. On this edition, correspondent Barbara Bernstein speaks with activists and analysts on both sides of the issue. (encore edition)

Making Contact

Making Contact – April 15, 2005

Fake News Flap – VNRs and Covert Propaganda You’ve heard of WMDs, but what about VNRs? What are VNRs and how is the government using them as weapons of mass deception? On this week’s edition, we’ll take a look at video news releases and the VNR industry. We’ll see how California’s governor is using them … Continued

Making Contact

Making Contact – April 8, 2005

Queer Youth Challenges For some lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth, coming out can have some additional challenges. On this edition, we’ll take a look at the unique perspective of LGBTQ youth on such topics as foster care, childhood sexual abuse, and disability. –

Making Contact

Making Contact – April 1, 2005

Plan Colombia: Drug War Without End Plan Colombia began in 2000 as an effort by the Clinton administration to reduce cocaine production in Colombia and stop the growing leftist guerrilla insurgency. The Bush administration says Plan Colombia is a big success. On this edition, independent producer Reese Erlich visits rural farmers and urban shanty towns, … Continued

Making Contact

Making Contact – March 25, 2005

Land for Those Who Work It Brazil has the second most unequal distribution of land in the world. Inside the borders of the South American bread basket are deep-seeded social struggles over this most coveted resource. For the past quarter century, the country’s landless have shown they do not accept the ownership model dating back … Continued

Making Contact

Making Contact – March 18, 2005

Kurds: From Oppressed to Oppressors The Kurds are often called the largest population in the world without a country. 40 million of them live in the mountainous terrain of Turkey, Syria, Iran, and Iraq — and they’ve lived under oppression in each of those countries for most of the last century. On this edition, correspondent … Continued

Making Contact

Making Contact – March 11, 2005

Humanitarian Crisis in Haiti Nearly one year after U.S. Marines ushered former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide from the country, Haiti has sunk into ever deepening despair. On this edition, Correspondent Reed Lindsay takes a look at the offensive launched by the U.S.-backed Haitian government against supporters of the former president. We’ll examine the return of the … Continued

Making Contact

Making Contact – March 4, 2005

Women’s Movements in Palestine The long tradition of Palestinian women’s movements are little known in the West, where Arab women are often portrayed as bad mothers, veiled, and shut up in their homes. On this edition, correspondent Sarah Olson talks with Palestinian women about their experiences fighting for peace, democracy and gender equality. –

Making Contact

Making Contact – February 4, 2005

Many Minds in an Army of One They’ve all worn the uniform of the United States military, but when it comes to the war in Iraq they don’t always think alike. On this special report, prepared by Associate Producer Justin Beck, we take a look at some of the different ways the war has affected … Continued