Making Contact

Making Contact – April 10, 2009

Women are gaining influence as leaders throughout the world, fighting for peace, justice, the environment and civil society. In this program, we profile three courageous women struggling with religious issues. Elana Rozenman is co-director of the Women's Interfaith Encounter in the Middle East. Irshad Manji is a Canadian Muslim lesbian and feminist who wants a … Continued

Making Contact

Making Contact – Guard Us All? Immigrant Women and the HPV Vaccine

Gardasil is the first cervical cancer vaccine ever developed. After it was approved in 2006, controversy has surrounded this vaccine. Its safety and effectiveness have been questioned, and the requirement that immigrant women take the vaccine has come to the forefront of both immigrant rights and reproductive justice organizing. These groups have also put this … Continued

Making Contact

Making Contact – Women Rising 19: Masters of the Spoken Word

Women are gaining influence as leaders throughout the world, fighting for peace, justice, the environment, and civil society. In this program, we profile two American masters of the spoken word, provoking, inspiring, and moving us to action. Eve Ensler, playwright of the hit ³Vagina Monologues² shares the innovative work of her organization, V-Day, and renowned … Continued