Letters to Washington

Letters to Washington – January 19, 2010

-Key election today in Massachusetts for Ted Kennedy's seat that could derail the health care reform bill in Congress.  We'll talk to  Dennis Hale, Associate Professor Political Science Boston College and Leigh Ann Caldwell, Capitol Hill correspondent w/ FSRN. -Analysis of international rescue response with Haiti with Hilda Orapeza, Director of Community Partnerships and Michael … Continued

Letters to Washington

Letters to Washington – January 18, 2010

-Will reconstruction aid to Haiti be in the interests of Haitians ordonors?  We'll speak to Melinda St Louis, Deputy Director of JubileeUSA Network. -While the Labor Department reported that last month the unemploymentrate remained steady at 10%.  However, what was under reported wasthat for blacks and latinos the unemployment rate increased while itdropped for whites. … Continued

Letters to Washington

Letters to Washington – January 15, 2010

-Review of this week's first round of public hearing from theFinancial Crisis Inquiry Commission with Robert Johnson, former ChiefEconomist with the Senate Banking Committee. -Immigrant rights activists push the Obama administration to grantundocumented Haitian immigrants w/ Marjorie Valbrun of America'sVoice. -Tom Ammiano, CA state legislator, who made history this week when hisbill to legalize marijuana … Continued

Letters to Washington

Letters to Washington – January 14, 2010

-Pres Obama announces bank tax to repay TARP funds.  We get analysisfrom Tyson Slocum of Public Citizen. -Debate on whether progressives should support progressive Democratsor leave the party with Rosa Clemente, former VP Candidate with theGreen Party, and Darcy Burner of The American Progressive CaucusPolicy Foundation. -The importance of Haitian history on the Western Hemisphere … Continued

Letters to Washington

Letters to Washington – January 13, 2010

-Democratic Representative Maxine Waters on the aftermath and US government response to the 7.0 earthquake in Haiti. -Special coverage of the 1st public hearing of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission. Guests: Jane Darista, Committee for Economists and Analysts for Finacial Reform. Lawrence Mitchell, author and Prof. of Business Law at George Washington University.  Sarah Anderson … Continued

Letters to Washington

Letters to Washington – January 12, 2010

Former CIA Deputy Director John McLaughlin, who helped present the faulty evidence of Iraq's WMD's is named to investigate intelligence failures over the X-mas unsuccessful airline bombing attack.  We speak to former CIA analyst Mel Goodman. We’ll get analysis of what the same gander marriage case in CA could mean for the meaning of the … Continued

Letters to Washington

Letters to Washington – January 11, 2010

Discussion on the political landscape 2010 with Bruce Cain, Heller Professor of Political Science at UC Berkeley and Director of the Institute of Governmental Studies & Carolyn Lochhead, San Francisco Chronicle Washington Correspondent. Conversation with former Palestinian Parliamentary member and Presidential candidate Mustafa Barghouti as we begin a new series that asks if there are … Continued

Letters to Washington

Letters to Washington – January 8, 2010

2 Perspectives on the Obama administration's response to security threats with Chris Calabrese of the ACLU and Kate Martin of the Center for National Security. Analysis of new unemployment numbers with labor economist Sylvia Allegretto of UC Berkeley. Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett: The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger.