Letters to Washington

Letters to Washington – April 2, 2010

New unemployment data analysis with Chad Stone Chief Economist at the Center on Budget and  Policy Priorities. Global justice activists ascend onto DC to fight potential World Bank loan for coal fire power plant. Guest: Patrick Bond Director of the Center for Civil Society in South Africa. LTW Producer Max Pringle talks to James Hirsch … Continued

Letters to Washington

Letters to Washington – March 31, 2010

Tyson Slocum of Public Citizen on Obama's plan for off-shore drilling. Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean of Law at UC Irvine, on Obama's nomination of Goodwin Lui to the 9th circuit court of appeals. Goodwin Lui, Pres Obama's nominee to the federal bench, on judicial philosophy. Joan Biscupic on her biography of Antonin Scalia.