La Raza Chronicles

La Raza Chronicles – March 9, 2004 at 7:00pm

this episode is no longer available

Dangerous Impact: Hybrid Cars and "Chautauqua."  Son Kim, a blind man struck by a hybrid car in a crosswalk near his home last week, joins us live with his partner Mary Beltran.  And, Jeff Thom, president of the California Council of the Blind (CCB), explains the murderous danger poised by silent hybrid car technology and … Continued

La Raza Chronicles

La Raza Chronicles – February 17, 2004 at 7:00pm

this episode is no longer available

Obama is Hit With Accusations of Socialism; Empire Notes on the End on Capitalism's Remedy; Congress Takes Up Food Safety; Black Agenda Report on the Economic "N-word"; Women's History Month Special: A Conversation With Betita Martinez.