La Raza Chronicles covers world and local politics, cultural and public affairs issues. We address community concerns, the struggles of indigenous peoples and environmental planetary rights, providing outlets for community organizations and artists to strengthen their impacts.

Our production team are activists involved in our La Raza community as well. We work cooperatively to develop contacts on the ground to bring truth and insight to breaking events.

About the Staff:

julieta-kusnir-6Julieta Kusnir holds a Masters degree in public health and a degree in Latin American studies. She has traveled widely throughout Latin America as a journalist and media trainer focusing on public health issues. Currently she teaches at the City College of San Francisco and works as media advocate for a local non-profit.


vanessabVanessa Bohm, born and raised in San Francisco, brings to LRC a masters degree in Ethnic Studies with a focus on Latin America. She has traveled extensively in Latin America as a journalist and human rights advocate. She currently works as director of social service for a non-profit serving the Latino immigrant community.


ninaNina Serrano (1934-    ) is a prize winning poet and filmmaker who has written and produced films in the US and Latin America. Her books and current activities are easily available at She is currently working on a documentary about Comunicacion Aztlan, the first US Latino media collective. She also produces Open Book: Poet to Poet/KPFA.


WomensMagazineGroupPhoto-370x208Vylma V is an activist, human rights attorney, and former public defender who learned her radio skills through the First Voice Media Apprentice Program at KPFA. She is a Women’s Magazine/KPFA host, and the executive producer of “Goddess on the Radio” on KPFB on Saturdays at 3pm. She can be reached at [email protected].