Hard Knock Radio

Hard Knock Radio – January 23, 2004

this episode is no longer available

Richard E. Friedman, author of The Bible with Sources Revealed; Youth Radio’s Deshawn Robinson Walker talks about what Hip Hop means to him; and Weyland talks with J Official, whose new album is Project Apocalypse.

Hard Knock Radio

Hard Knock Radio – January 22, 2004

this episode is no longer available

Calls today for a wider investigation into alledged voter intimidation by the Gavin Newsome campaign during San Francisco’s mayoral run-off last month – several members of the Department of Public Works have charged they were coerced by their bosses into walking precincts for Newsome A crucial debate underway in New Hampshire between the remaining seven … Continued

Hard Knock Radio

Hard Knock Radio – January 21, 2004

this episode is no longer available

Anita talks with Manthia Diawara, author of We Won’t Budge: An African Exile in the World; A new Mumia Abu Jamal commentary on why the U.S. does not want democracy in the Middle East; A Youth Radio commentary on advanced placement clases; and DJ Frane stops by to talk about his new album.

Hard Knock Radio

Hard Knock Radio – January 20, 2004

this episode is no longer available

Providing a supportive and empowering environment for at-risk youth; guest Donald Lacey of Lovelife Foundation. And, Celebrating the Radical Black Arts Movement: playwright, essayist, activist, producer Marvin X talks about the upcoming Tenderloin Book Fair and University of Poetry, 2004.

Hard Knock Radio

Hard Knock Radio – January 14, 2004

this episode is no longer available

Guests from Youth Speaks talk about their upcoming event "The 7th Annual Bringing the Noise for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.". Also, the struggle to make Clear Channel more accountable to communities.