Hard Knock Radio

Hard Knock Radio – September 3, 2004

this episode is no longer available

Faviana Rodriguez reports back from the Republican National Convention; Davey D speaks with Chuck D in New York, who cancelled shows so that he could be in New York protesting the Convention.

Hard Knock Radio

Hard Knock Radio – August 31, 2004

this episode is no longer available

Faviana Rodriguez reports from the demonstrations at the Republican National Convention in NYC; Sounds from yesterday’s “Still We Rise Poor Peoples March”; Siafu Bay Area contingent has just taken over Hardball on Fox News.

Hard Knock Radio

Hard Knock Radio – August 30, 2004

this episode is no longer available

Sounds from yesterdays march for peace and justice in New York City; Hip hop spoken word artist Aya DeLeon announces her candidacy for President of the United States; Mumia Abu Jamal on how Bush may lose or win; Fernando Suarez Deselar on losing a son in Iraq.

Hard Knock Radio

Hard Knock Radio – August 26, 2004

this episode is no longer available

Faviana Rodriguez speaks with participants from this weekend’s Chicano Moratorium Day celebration; A travel activist who is organizing Black Mesa resistance against Peabody Coal Company.

Hard Knock Radio

Hard Knock Radio – August 25, 2004

this episode is no longer available

A vist from Willie Mukassa Ricks, leader and organizer with the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee in the sixties, and responsible for coining the term “Black Power.” Also, up and coming soul artist Van Hunt.