Hard Knock Radio

Hard Knock Radio – November 16, 2004

this episode is no longer available

Part 2 of our interview with hiker Aron Ralston, author of Between a Rock and a Hard Place; Dave Marsh on new legislation being pushed through the senate which will effect everyone who downloads songs from the internet and copies CDs; Also Little Brother and Foreign Exchange, who will be performing tonight at Blakes.

Hard Knock Radio

Hard Knock Radio – November 11, 2004

this episode is no longer available

In celebration of Veterans’ Day we speak with David Miyasato, a Persian Gulf War veteran who after being honorably discharged 13 years ago found recently in his mailbox a letter for him to report to duty. We speak with David, his lawyer, and folks from the GI Rights Hotline; La Peña’s Next Generation Summit, which … Continued